Upper secondary school Weiden, Jona 2017
Nine foundation blocks had to be cut out of the existing school complex because modifications were necessary in the course of the extension. Instead of being disposed of as planned, I integrated them into my Project FUND. Positioned as groups of three at the edges of the new base building, they are given a new function on the recreation ground. The plastic fragments show traces in the form of violent fractures and existing core drillings. - New places with different qualities and forms of using emerge and can be discovered and appropriated by the pupils. Coated partial zones superimpose the past and transform the blocks into a new state. The concrete origin of the blocks relates to the architectural site. Quite casually, the temporal shift and new setting create a sensual image for the new departure situation of the young people themselves.
Art and Architecture Project, as part of an extension at the OS Weiden school complex.
Architects Karamuk Kuo, Zurich
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