"Metamorphosis Overdrive", Kunstmuseum St.Gallen 2020
This project is the second version of "Equation of Loss", inserted into an architecturally complex passageway with three supporting pillars and a rear open space to the raised access ramp. The individual elements consisting of goods conveyor belts, storage grids partition walls and lift doors, as well as their cash register roles, together with the architecture form a whole that can be perceived gradually in fragments. They refer to a flow of goods in question and are held in a precarious balance. The performative sculpture is a simulation, a walk-in model with real objects that refers to the relationship of people to values, to the movement of goods, their storage and their incessant calculation.
"Metamorphosis Overdrive", Kunstmuseum St.Gallen 2020
Camille Blatrix, Timothée Calame, Rä di Martino, Simon Dybbroe Møller, Guan Xiao, Yngve Holen, Diego Perrone, Ilona Ruegg
Kurator: Lorenzo Benedetti
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